Below is the list of partner universities abroad with whom IAU has signed cooperation protocols
Mogadishu University | Africa | SOMALİ | Mogadishu | https://mu.edu.so/ |
Zamzam University of Science and Technology | Africa | SOMALİ | Mogadishu | https://zust.edu.so/ |
Red Sea University | Africa | SOMALİ | Bosaso | https://rsu.edu.so/ |
Jamhuriya University of Science and Technology | Africa | SOMALİ | Mogadishu | https://www.just.edu.so/ |
Delta University – Egypt | Africa | MISIR | Mansoura | https://new.deltauniv.edu.eg/en/home/index |
Al-Balqa Applied University | Africa | ÜRDÜN | Al-Salt | https://www.bau.edu.jo/ |
University Center of Tipaza | Africa | CEZAYİR | Tripaza | https://cu-tipaza.dz/en/ |
Gambia University | Africa | GAMBİYA | Serrekunda | https://www.utg.edu.gm/ |
University of Mauritius | Africa | MAURİTİUS | Reduit | https://www.uom.ac.mu/ |
University of Limpopo | Africa | GÜNEY AFRİKA | Polokwane | https://www.ul.ac.za/ |
University of Tripoli | Africa | LİBYA | Tripoli | https://uot.edu.ly/ |
University of Monastir | Africa | TUNUS | Monastir | http://www.um.rnu.tn/en/ |
University of KwaZulu-Natal | Africa | GÜNEY AFRİKA | Westville | https://ukzn.ac.za/ |
Ecole IT Université Centrale | Africa | TUNUS | Tunis | https://www.universitecentrale.net/ |
University of Abomey-Calavi | Africa | BENİN | Calavi | https://uac.bj/ |
Al Akhawayn University | Africa | FAS | Ifrane | http://www.aui.ma/en/ |
Gezira College of Technology | Africa | SUDAN | Khartoum North | http://www.geziracollege.edu.sd/index.php/en/ |
Higher School of Management of Tlemcen | Africa | CEZAYİR | Tlemcen | http://www.esm-tlemcen.dz/ |
National Polytechnic University Institute Bamenda | Africa | KAMERUN | Bamenda | https://www.npbedu.org/ |
International University of Rabat | Africa | FAS | Rabat | https://www.uir.ac.ma/en |
Botho University | Africa | BOTSWANA | Gaborone | https://bothouniversity.com/ |
Training and Business Center | Africa | BENİN | Abomey-calavi | www.tbcafricausa.com |
Professional Training Center | Africa | BENİN | Cotonou | https://cefplesavoirfaire.com/ |
Universite Hassan II de Casablanca | Africa | FAS | Casablanca | www.univh2c.ma/ |
Mariano Marcos State University | Asia | FİLİPİNLER | Batac | https://www.mmsu.edu.ph/ |
Padang State University | Asia | ENDONEZYA | Padang | https://unp.ac.id/ |
Islamic University of Gaza | Asia | FİLİSTİN | Gaza | http://www.iugaza.edu.ps/ |
Doha Institute for Graduate Studies | Asia | KATAR | Doha | https://www.dohainstitute.edu.qa/en/Pages/default.aspx |
Al-Kitab University | Asia | IRAK | Kirkuk | https://www.uoalkitab.edu.iq/eng/ |
Al-Hussein Bin Talal University | Asia | ÜRDÜN | Ma’an | https://www.ahu.edu.jo/Homeen.aspx |
Al-Mustaqbal University | Asia | IRAK | Babylon | https://uomus.edu.iq/en/ |
Seiyun University | Asia | YEMEN | Seiyun | https://seiyunu.edu.ye/ |
Hadhramout University | Asia | YEMEN | Hadhramout | https://hu.edu.ye/en/ |
Jerash University | Asia | ÜRDÜN | Jerash | http://www.jpu.edu.jo/jpu/#gsc.tab=0 |
Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie | Asia | FİLİSTİN | Tulkarm | https://ptuk.edu.ps/en/ |
Islamic University of Lebanon | Asia | LÜBNAN | Khalde | https://www.iul.edu.lb/ |
Bukhara Engineering Technological Institute (Bukhara Technological Institute of Food and Light Industry) | Asia | ÖZBEKİSTAN | Bukhara | https://bmti.uz/ |
Jadara University | Asia | ÜRDÜN | Irbid | http://www.jadara.edu.jo/eng/ |
Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts | Asia | AZERBAYCAN | Bakü | https://www.admiu.edu.az/en.php |
Navoiy State University of Mining and Technologies | Asia | ÖZBEKİSTAN | Navoiy | https://nkski.uz/en/bosh-sahifa-english/ |
O.P. Jindal Global University | Asia | HİNDİSTAN | Sonipat | https://jgu.edu.in/ |
Air University | Asia | PAKİSTAN | Islamabad | https://www.au.edu.pk/ |
University of Science and Culture | Asia | İRAN | Tehran | https://new.usc.ac.ir/web/en |
Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism | Asia | KAZAKİSTAN | Almaty | https://kazast.edu.kz/en/ |
Tashkent State Pedagogical University | Asia | ÖZBEKİSTAN | Tashkent | www.tdpu.uz |
Baku Higher Oil School – SOCAR | Asia | AZERBAYCAN | Baku | https://www.bhos.edu.az/ |
Smart College for Modern Education | Asia | FİLİSTİN | Hebron | https://new.scme.edu.ps/en/home/ |
Riphah International University | Asia | PAKİSTAN | Islamabad | www.riphah.edu.pk |
Andijan State Pedagogical Institute | Asia | ÖZBEKİSTAN | Andijan | www.adpi.uz |
National Taipei University of Education | Asia | TAYVAN | Taipei | www.ntue.edu.tw |
Alikhan Bokeikhan University | Asia | KAZAKİSTAN | Semey | https://abu.edu.kz/en |
Samara State University of Economics | Asia | RUSYA FEDERASYONU | Samara | https://www.sseu.ru/ |
Universidad De La Republica Uruguay | Asia | URUGUAY | Montevideo | https://udelar.edu.uy/portal/ |
Universidade Federal de Ciencias da Saude de Porto Alegre | Asia | BREZİLYA | Porto Alegre | https://ufcspa.edu.br/english/ |
Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana | Asia | ENDONEZYA | Jakarta | https://www.ukrida.ac.id/ |
The University of Jordan | Asia | ÜRDÜN | Amman | https://ju.edu.jo/Home.aspx |
KIMEP University | Asia | KAZAKİSTAN | Almaty | https://www.kimep.kz/diam/en/ |
International IT University | Asia | KAZAKİSTAN | Almaty | https://iitu.edu.kz/en/ |
Hope Education Group | Asia | ÇİN | Chongzhou | http://en.sctequ.com/index.aspx |
China Three Gorges University | Asia | ÇİN | Hubei | www.ctgu.edu.cn |
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration | Asia | RUSYA FEDERASYONU | Moscow | https://www.ranepa.ru/vysshee-obrazovanie/instituty-i-fakultety/ |
Cambridge International University | Asia | ÖZBEKİSTAN | Tashkent | https://university.cambridge.uz/en |
Yessenov University | Asia | KAZAKİSTAN | Aktau | http://yu.edu.kz/ |
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies | Asia | ÇİN | Guangdong | http://iie-en.gdufs.edu.cn/info/1167/1034.htm |
Kirkuk University | Asia | IRAK | Kirkuk | https://uokirkuk.edu.iq/english/ |
Vladimir State University | Asia | RUSYA FEDERASYONU | Vladimir | https://international.vlsu.ru/ |
JSC – Center for International Programs | Asia | KAZAKİSTAN | Astana | https://www.bolashak.gov.kz/en/ |
University of Friendship of Peoples Academician A. Kuatbekov | Asia | KAZAKİSTAN | Almaty | https://udn.edu.kz/en/ |
Nakhcivan State University | Asia | AZERBAYCAN | Aliabad/Nakhchivan | http://ndu.edu.az/en/ |
University College of Nabi Akram | Asia | İRAN | Tabriz | http://www.nabiakram.org.au/ |
Chandigarh University | Asia | HİNDİSTAN | Punjab | http://www.cuchd.in/contact/ |
Iqra National University | Asia | PAKİSTAN | Peshawar | http://www.inu.edu.pk/ |
Shanghai Cultural Heritage Protection Institution | Asia | ÇİN | Shanghai | http://www.sh-art.org/English/index.aspx |
Goenka University | Asia | HİNDİSTAN | Haryana | http://www.gdgoenkauniversity.com/ |
South Ural State University | Asia | RUSYA FEDERASYONU | Chelyabinsk | https://www.susu.ru/en |
Sichuan University | Asia | ÇİN | Chengdu | http://en.scu.edu.cn/ |
Universitas Airlangga | Asia | ENDONEZYA | Surabaya | https://www.unair.ac.id/ |
City University of Macau | Asia | MAKAU (MAKAO) | Macau | https://cityu.edu.mo/en/ |
LEPL-Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University | Asia | GÜRCİSTAN | Tbilisi | https://www.tsu.ge/en/ |
ADA University | Asia | AZERBAYCAN | Baku | https://www.ada.edu.az/ |
Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University | Asia | İRAN | Tabriz | http://www.azaruniv.ac.ir/ |
Perm State University | Asia | RUSYA FEDERASYONU | Perm | http://www.psu.ru/ |
Georgian Technical University | Asia | GÜRCİSTAN | Tbilisi | www.gtu.ge |
Petre Shotadze Tbilisi Medical Academy | Asia | GÜRCİSTAN | Tbilisi | https://tma.edu.ge/geo/ |
Caucasus International University | Asia | GÜRCİSTAN | Tbilisi | https://ciu.edu.ge/?lang=en |
Grigol Robakidze University | Asia | GÜRCİSTAN | Tbilisi | www.gruni.edu.ge |
Kansai University | Asia | JAPONYA | Oasaka | http://www.kansai-u.ac.jp/Kokusai/ |
Saratov State University | Asia | RUSYA FEDERASYONU | Saratov | https://www.sgu.ru/en |
Almaty Technological University | Asia | KAZAKİSTAN | Almaty | https://atu.edu.kz/ |
Djuanda University | Asia | ENDONEZYA | Bogor | https://www.unida.ac.id/ |
Khawarizmi International College | Asia | BİRLEŞİK ARAP EMİRLİKLERİ | Abu Dhabi | https://kic.ac.ae/ |
Vellore Institute of Technology | Asia | HİNDİSTAN | Tamil Nadu | https://vit.ac.in/ |
The University of Georgia | Asia | GÜRCİSTAN | Tbillisi | https://www.ug.edu.ge/en |
Khazar University | Asia | AZERBAYCAN | Baku | www.khazar.org |
Universitas Sebelas Maret | Asia | ENDONEZYA | Jawa Tengah | https://uns.ac.id/en/ |
Hanyang University Erica Campus | Asia | GÜNEY KORE | Gyeonggi-do | https://www.hanyang.ac.kr/web/eng/erica-campus1 |
International Taraz Innovative Institute | Asia | KAZAKİSTAN | Taraz City | www.htii.edu.kz |
Manav Rachna Educational Institutions | Asia | HİNDİSTAN | Haryana | www.manavrachna.in |
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public (RANEPA), Moscow / Ural Institute of Management | Asia | RUSYA FEDERASYONU | Ekaterinburg | www.ranepa.ru |
Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to be University) | Asia | HİNDİSTAN | Ambala | https://mmumullana.org/ |
University of Kashan | Asia | İRAN | Kashan | https://intl.kashanu.ac.ir/en |
Tashkent Chemical Technologies Institute | Asia | ÖZBEKİSTAN | Tashkent | http://tkti.uz/ |
United International University (UIU) | Asia | BANGLADEŞ | Dhaka | https://www.uiu.ac.bd/ |
T.K. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts | Asia | KAZAKİSTAN | Almaty | http://kaznai.kz/ |
Tashkent State Transport University | Asia | ÖZBEKİSTAN | Tashkent | https://tstu.uz/ |
Tashkent State University of Economics | Asia | ÖZBEKİSTAN | Tashkent | https://tsue.uz/en |
Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences | Asia | PAKİSTAN | Jamshoro | https://lumhs.edu.pk/home/ |
Center of Nuclear Medicine and Oncology | Asia | KAZAKİSTAN | Semey | https://semeyonco.kz/ |
Yanshan University | Asia | ÇİN | Hebei | http://english.ysu.edu.cn/ |
European University | Asia | GÜRCİSTAN | Tbilisi | http://www.eu.edu.ge/en |
Kutasi University | Asia | GÜRCİSTAN | Kutaisi | https://www.unik.edu.ge/ |
Birla Institute of Management Technology | Asia | HİNDİSTAN | Greater Noida | www.bimtech.ac.in |
Al-Bayan University | Asia | IRAK | Bagdat | https://albayan.edu.iq/en/ |
Cambridge International University | Asia | ÖZBEKİSTAN | Tashkent | https://university.cambridge.uz/en/ |
Turin Polytechnic University | Asia | ÖZBEKİSTAN | Tashkent | https://polito.uz/ |
Saken Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University | Asia | KAZAKİSTAN | Nur-Sultan | https://kazatu.edu.kz/ |
Hong Kong Shue Yan University | Asia | ÇİN | Hong Kong | https://www.hksyu.edu/en/home |
Muhtar Avezov Institute of Literature and Art | Asia | KAZAKİSTAN | Almaty | http://auezovinstitute.kz/ |
Samara State Technical University | Asia | RUSYA FEDERASYONU | Samara | https://samgtu.com/ |
Batumi Navigation Teaching University | Asia | GÜRCİSTAN | Batumi | https://bntu.edu.ge/en/ |
National Taichung University of Education | Asia | TAYVAN | Taichung City | https://www.ntcu.edu.tw/index.htm |
Kyrgyz State University named after I.Arabaev | Asia | KIRGIZİSTAN | Bishkek | http://www.arabaev.kg/index.php |
Avitsenna Medcollege Shymkent | Asia | KAZAKİSTAN | Shymkent | https://avicenna-shymkent.edu.kz/ |
Lovely Professional University | Asia | HİNDİSTAN | Punjab | https://www.lpu.in/ |
Hailey College of Commerce | Asia | PAKİSTAN | Lahore | http://www.hcc.edu.pk/ |
Vinayaka Mission University | Asia | HİNDİSTAN | Tamil Nadu | https://www.vinayakamission.com/ |
Foundation University | Asia | PAKİSTAN | Islamabad | www.fui.edu.pk |
Preston University | Asia | PAKİSTAN | Islamabad | http://www.preston.edu.pk/ |
University of Management & Technology | Asia | PAKİSTAN | Lahore | https://www.umt.edu.pk/ |
University of Sialkot | Asia | PAKİSTAN | Punjab | https://www.uskt.edu.pk/ |
University of Faisalabad | Asia | PAKİSTAN | Faisalabad | https://tuf.edu.pk/ |
Indus University | Asia | PAKİSTAN | Karachi | http://www.indus.edu.pk/ |
GIFT University Gujranwala | Asia | PAKİSTAN | Gujranwala | https://www.gift.edu.pk/home |
The University of Lahore | Asia | PAKİSTAN | Lahore | https://uol.edu.pk/ |
KIMYO International University in Tashkent | Asia | ÖZBEKİSTAN | Tashkent | https://kiut.uz/en/ |
Universiti Malaysia Pahang | Asia | MALEZYA | Pahang | https://www.ump.edu.my/en |
Universiti Malaysia Sabah | Asia | MALEZYA | Sabah | https://www.ums.edu.my/v5/ |
Uttaranchal University | Asia | HİNDİSTAN | Uttarakhand | https://www.uudoon.in/ |
Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University | Asia | GÜRCİSTAN | Batumi | www.bsu.edu.ge |
Azerbaijan University of Languages | Asia | AZERBAYCAN | Baku | https://adu.edu.az/en/ |
Astana IT University | Asia | KAZAKİSTAN | Astana | https://astanait.edu.kz/en/main-page/ |
Universitas Prasetiya Mulya | Asia | ENDONEZYA | Jakarta | https://pmbs.ac.id/ |
Alzahra University | Asia | İRAN | Tehran | https://en.alzahra.ac.ir/home |
Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Film Georgia State University | Asia | GÜRCİSTAN | Tbilisi | http://www.tafu.edu.ge/wm.php?page=home_en |
West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov State Medical University | Asia | KAZAKİSTAN | Aktobe | https://zkmu.kz/en/ |
Isfahan University of Technology | Asia | İRAN | Isfahan | http://english.iut.ac.ir/ |
An-Najah National University | Asia | FİLİSTİN | Nablus | https://www.najah.edu/en/ |
Universitas Negari Surabaya | Asia | ENDONEZYA | Surabaya | https://www.unesa.ac.id/ |
Walailak University | Asia | TAYLAND | Nakhonsrithammarat | https://www.wu.ac.th/en |
Karpagam Academy of Higher Education | Asia | HİNDİSTAN | Tamil Nadu | https://kahedu.edu.in/ |
AL-Ahliyya Amman University | Asia | ÜRDÜN | Ammana | https://www.ammanu.edu.jo/ |
Al-Hussein Bin Talal University | Asia | ÜRDÜN | Ma’an | www.ahu.edu.jo |
JIS University | Asia | HİNDİSTAN | West Bengal | www.jisuniversity.ac.in |
Chennai Institute of Technology, | Asia | HİNDİSTAN | Chennai | https://www.citchennai.edu.in/ |
University of the Punjab- Institute of Business Administration | Asia | PAKİSTAN | Gujranwala | http://pu.edu.pk/home/ |
Chitkara University | Asia | HİNDİSTAN | Punjab | https://www.chitkara.edu.in/ |
Middle East University | Asia | ÜRDÜN | Amman | http://meu.edu.jo/ |
Narxoz University | Asia | KAZAKİSTAN | Almaty | http://narxoz.kz |
Providence University | Asia | TAYVAN | Taichung | http://www.pu.edu.tw/english/ |
Superior University | Asia | PAKİSTAN | Lahore | https://www.superior.edu.pk/ |
Semey State Medical University | Asia | KAZAKİSTAN | Semey | www.ssmu.kz |
Petra University | Asia | ÜRDÜN | Amman | https://www.uop.edu.jo/EN/ |
Jordan University Of Science And Technology | Asia | ÜRDÜN | Irbid | http://www.just.edu.jo/ |
The Arab Academy For Banking And Financial Sciences | Asia | ÜRDÜN | Amman | www.aabfs.org |
University Of Muhammadiyah Malang | Asia | ENDONEZYA | Jawa Timur | http://www.umm.ac.id/ |
Diponegoro University | Asia | ENDONEZYA | Semerang | www.undip.ac.id |
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Asia | ENDONEZYA | Jawa Timur | www.its.ac.id |
University Of International Business & Economics | Asia | ÇİN | Beijing Shi | http://english.uibe.edu.cn/ |
Jahan Institute Of Higher Education | Asia | AFGANİSTAN | Kabul | http://www.jahan.edu.af/pages |
Józef Goluchowski University of Applied Sciences | Europe | POLONYA | Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski | https://goluchowski.edu.pl/en/university/ |
Universidad Intercontinental de la Empresa | Europe | İSPANYA | Santiago | https://uie.edu/en/ |
Georgian American University | Europe | GÜRCİSTAN | Tbilisi | https://www.gau.edu.ge/en |
Università Degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi | Europe | İTALYA | Rome | https://www.unimarconi.com/ |
Universum College | Europe | KOSOVA | Prishtina | http://universum-ks.org/ |
Baltic International Academy | Europe | LETONYA | Riga | https://www.bsa.edu.lv/lang/eng/contactadr.html |
Dil Deutches Institut Für Lebensmitteltechnik E.V. | Europe | ALMANYA | Quakenbrück | https://www.dil-ev.de/ |
University of Ecology and Management Warsaw | Europe | POLONYA | Warsaw | http://www.wseiz.pl/ua/english-version |
Spoleczna Akademia Nauk Lodz | Europe | POLONYA | Lodz | https://lodz.san.edu.pl/ |
University of Belgrade | Europe | SIRBİSTAN | Belgrade | http://bg.ac.rs/en/index.php |
Alfred Nobel University | Europe | UKRAYNA | Dnipro | https://duan.edu.ua/en/ |
Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University | Europe | RUSYA FEDERASYONU | St Petersburg | https://english.spbstu.ru/ |
University of Kragujevac Serbia | Europe | SIRBİSTAN | Kragujevac | https://www.kg.ac.rs/eng/ |
VIA University College | Europe | DANİMARKA | Aarhus | https://en.via.dk/ |
University of Rijeka | Europe | HIRVATİSTAN | Rijeka | https://medical-studies-in-english.com/ |
The University of Sannio | Europe | İTALYA | Benevento | https://www.unisannio.it/en/ |
Universita degli Studi G. d’Annunzio di Chieti Pescara | Europe | İTALYA | Chieti | https://www.unich.it/ |
ISMA University of Applied Science | Europe | LİTVANYA | Riga | https://www.isma.lv/en/ |
Singidunum University | Europe | SIRBİSTAN | Belgrade | www.singidunum.ac.rs |
Moravian Business College Olomouc | Europe | ÇEK CUMHURİYETİ | Olomouc | https://www.mvso.cz/ |
Matej Bel University | Europe | SLOVAKYA | Banská Bystrica | https://www.umb.sk/en/ |
University of Novi Pazar | Europe | SIRBİSTAN | Novi Pazar | http://uninp.edu.rs/ |
Turība University | Europe | LETONYA | Riga | https://www.turiba.lv/en |
Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno | Europe | BELARUS | Grodno | https://www.grsu.by/ |
Francisk Skorina Gomel State University | Europe | BELARUS | Gomel | https://gsu.by/ |
University of Salento | Europe | İTALYA | Lecce | https://www.unisalento.it/ |
Aleksander Moisiu University | Europe | ARNAVUTLUK | Durrës | https://www.uamd.edu.al/index.php/en/ |
H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University | Europe | UKRAYNA | Kharkiv | http://hnpu.edu.ua/en |
Stanisław Staszic University of Applied Sciences in Piła | Europe | POLONYA | Piła | http://www.pwsz.pila.pl/en |
VSB – Technical University of Ostrava | Europe | ÇEK CUMHURİYETİ | Ostrava | www.vsb.cz |
Riga Technical University | Europe | LETONYA | Riga | https://www.rtu.lv/en |
WSB University | Europe | POLONYA | Dąbrowa Górnicza | https://wsb.edu.pl/ |
De Montfort University | Europe | İNGİLTERE | Leicester | https://www.dmu.ac.uk/home.aspx |
Intercontinental University of Business (UIE) | Europe | İSPANYA | Madrid | https://uie.edu/ |
University of A Coruña | Europe | İSPANYA | A Coruña | https://www.udc.es/es/campusindustrial |
Khmelnytskyi National University | Europe | UKRAYNA | Khmelnytskyi | https://khmnu.edu.ua/en/ |
Dundalk Instıtute of Technology | Europe | İRLANDA | Dundalk | www.dkit.ie |
Bucharest University of Economic Studies | Europe | ROMANYA | Bucharest | www.ase.ro |
“Al.I.Cuza”” University of Iasi” | Europe | ROMANYA | Iași | https://www.uaic.ro/ |
Stuttgart- Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences | Europe | ALMANYA | Sttugart | https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/ |
Dunarea de Jos | Europe | ROMANYA | Galati | https://www.ugal.ro/ |
Romanian–American University | Europe | ROMANYA | Bucharest | [email protected]; |
“””1 DECEMBRIE 1918″” University of Alba Iulia,” | Europe | ROMANYA | Alba Lulia | https://en.uab.ro/ |
Penza State University | Europe | RUSYA FEDERASYONU | Penza | http://international.pnzgu.ru/ |
Adam Mickiewicz University | Europe | POLONYA | Poznan | https://amu.edu.pl/en |
International Balkan University | Europe | MAKEDONYA | Skopje | https://beta.ibu.edu.mk/ |
The University Of Trieste | Europe | İTALYA | Trieste | www.units.it |
Baranovichi State University | Europe | BELARUS | Baranovichi | www.barsu.by |
The Mediterranean University of Albania | Europe | ARNAVUTLUK | Tirana | https://www.umsh.edu.al/eng |
Ontario Tech University | NorthAmerica | KANADA | Oshawa | www.ontariotechu.ca |
Memorial University of Newfoundland | NorthAmerica | KANADA | St. John’s | https://www.mun.ca/ |
University of Regina | NorthAmerica | KANADA | Regina | https://www.uregina.ca/ |
The University of Arizona | NorthAmerica | AMERİKA BİRLEŞİK DEVLETLERİ | Arizona | https://www.arizona.edu/ |
Missouri University | NorthAmerica | AMERİKA BİRLEŞİK DEVLETLERİ | Columbia | https://missouri.edu/ |
Universidad Anahuac Mexico | NorthAmerica | MEKSİKA | Huixquilucan | https://www.anahuac.mx/ |
California State University | NorthAmerica | AMERİKA BİRLEŞİK DEVLETLERİ | Channel Islands | https://www.csuci.edu/ |
University of California, Berkeley | NorthAmerica | AMERİKA BİRLEŞİK DEVLETLERİ | Berkeley | https://www.berkeley.edu/ |
Chicago State University | NorthAmerica | AMERİKA BİRLEŞİK DEVLETLERİ | Chicago | http://www.csu.edu/ |
Anahuac Mayab University | NorthAmerica | MEKSİKA | Yucatán | https://merida.anahuac.mx/ |
Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá | NorthAmerica | PANAMA | Panama | https://utp.ac.pa/ |
University of Toledo College of Medicine | NorthAmerica | AMERİKA BİRLEŞİK DEVLETLERİ | Ohio | https://www.utoledo.edu/med/ |
University Of Missouri – St. Louis | NorthAmerica | AMERİKA BİRLEŞİK DEVLETLERİ | Missouri | https://www.umsl.edu/ |
Tufts University School Of Dental Medicine | NorthAmerica | AMERİKA BİRLEŞİK DEVLETLERİ | Boston | http://medicine.tufts.edu/ |
National Polytechnic Institute | NorthAmerica | MEKSİKA | Nacional | www.ipn.mx/ |
Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina | SouthAmerica | BREZİLYA | Florianópolis | https://www.udesc.br/ |
Universidad Nacional Tres de Febrero | SouthAmerica | ARJANTİN | Provincia de Buenos Aires | http://untref.edu.ar/ |
Universidade Estadual Paulista – UNESP | SouthAmerica | BREZİLYA | São Paulo | https://www.international.unesp.br/ |
The Coimbra Group of Brazilian Universities | SouthAmerica | BREZİLYA | Cuiaba | http://www.grupocoimbra.org.br/ |
Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia | SouthAmerica | KOLOMBİYA | Bucaramanga | https://www.ucc.edu.co/ |
UniEVANGÉLICA University | SouthAmerica | BREZİLYA | www.unievangelica.edu.br | |
UNIVERSIDADE DE RIBEIRÃO PRETO | SouthAmerica | BREZİLYA | Ribeirão Preto | www.unaerp.br |
Universidad Internacional SEK | SouthAmerica | EKVATOR | Quilto | https://uisek.edu.ec/ |
Andrés Bello National University | SouthAmerica | ŞİLİ | Santiago | https://www.unab.cl/ |
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia | SouthAmerica | BREZİLYA | Minas Gerais | http://www.dri.ufu.br/en |
Grupo de Cooperação Internacional de Universidades Brasileiras | SouthAmerica | BREZİLYA | Asa Sul | https://www.gcub.org.br/ |
Universidad Nacional de La Matanza | SouthAmerica | ARJANTİN | Buenos Aires | www.unlam.edu.ar |